56 Championship of USSR(1 League) Lvov 1987

1 Ivanchuk,Vassily 2480 +144
½½½½1½½½111½½½½1111.5 / 17  
2 Yudasin,Leonid 2480 +121 ½
1½½½110111½½0½½111.0 / 17  
3 Chernin,Alexander 2580 -7 ½0
½½01½½½½1111½½110.5 / 17  
4 Gavrikov,Viktor 2525 +27 ½½½
½1½½½11½01½½½½10.0 / 17 83.75
5 Gurevich,Mikhail 2515 +38 ½½½½
½½11½½1½½½½½½10.0 / 17 83.75
6 Novikov,Igor A 2455 +37 0½10½
½½½10½½½1½½½8.5 / 17 70.50
7 Janjgava,Lasha 2410 +85 ½00½½½
½½1½01½½1½½8.5 / 17 68.75
8 Bareev,Evgeny 2555 -69 ½0½½0½½
½½10½01½118.5 / 17 68.25
9 Malisauskas,Vidmantas 2325 +153 ½1½½0½½½
½½0½½½½108.0 / 17 69.00
10 Dreev,Alexey 2475 -5 00½0½00½½
11111½½08.0 / 17 63.75
11 Romanishin,Oleg M 2555 -90 00½0½1½0½0
1½½½1½18.0 / 17 63.00
12 Kaidanov,Gregory S 2475 -5 000½0½11100
10½1½18.0 / 17 62.25
13 Rozentalis,Eduardas 2505 -58 ½½01½½0½½0½0
110017.5 / 17 64.25
14 Vyzmanavin,Alexey 2480 -31 ½½00½½½1½0½10
½1½07.5 / 17 63.25
15 Mikhalchishin,Adrian 2500 -53 ½10½½0½0½0½½0½
½117.5 / 17 63.25
16 Panchenko,Alexander N 2475 -48 ½½½½½½0½½½0010½
107.0 / 17  
17 Lputian,Smbat G 2540 -140 0½½½½½½00½½½1½00
½6.5 / 17 55.75
18 Zaichik,Gennadi 2490 -87 000½½½½011000101½
6.5 / 17 52.25
Average Elo: 2490 <=> Cat: 10 gm = 11.39 m = 7.99

Generated with ChessBase 8.0

database of games in PGN format 1l_lvo87.zip(153 games of 153)