Semifinal of 23 Championship of USSR Leningrad 15.11-13.12.1955

1 Antoshin,Vladimir S
½½½11½½½1½½½½½½½1111.5 / 18  
2 Byvshev,Vasily Mikhailovich ½
½1½½½110½½1½½01½111.0 / 18  
3 Lisitsin,Georgy ½½
½½1½0½½11½½½01½110.5 / 18 92.50
4 Taimanov,Mark E ½0½
½½½11½½½½½11½½½10.5 / 18 91.75
5 Kholmov,Ratmir D 0½½½
0½1½1½½1½½½½1110.5 / 18 88.75
6 Tolush,Alexander V 0½0½1
00½½½111½1½1110.5 / 18 87.25
7 Lein,Anatoly ½½½½½1
101½½01010½½9.5 / 1 8 86.50
8 Lutikov,Anatoly S ½010010
½½½½½1½11½½9.5 / 1 8 81.75
9 Stoliar,Efim Samoilovich ½0½0½½1½
½½011½0½119.5 / 1 8 81.00
10 Chistiakov,Alexander Nikolaevi 01½½0½0½½
1100½111½9.5 / 1 8 80.50
11 Cherepkov,Alexander V ½½0½½½½½½0
1½011½109.0 / 1 8 78.75
12 Mukhitdinov,Mamadzhan ½½0½½0½½100
½½11½½19.0 / 1 8 76.25
13 Krogius,Nikolai V ½0½½001½01½½
½½1½1½9.0 / 1 8 76.00
14 Gusev,Yuri S ½½½½½000011½½
101018.5 / 1 8  
15 Estrin,Yacov ½½½0½½1½½½00½0
01½18.0 / 1 8  
16 Beilin,Mikhail Abramovich ½110½0001000011
½½07.0 / 1 8 64.75
17 Ravinsky,Grigory Ionovich ½00½½½10½0½½½00½
1½7.0 / 1 8 61.00
18 Geller,A 0½½½00½½000½01½½0
½5.5 / 1 8 48.75
19 Vladimirov,Boris T 000½00½½0½10½001½½
5.5 / 1 8 46.25

Generated with ChessBase 8.0

Hosted by uCoz

database of games in PGN format games of 171)